I: I am at peace with my this shithole. I've got every spot marked. This is going to be easy.
II: This is going to be easy. This is gooooooingggggg to be easy provided I can survive the minutes between firing my beloved plasma pulse rifle. (A drawing of the plasma pulse rifle)
VII: I Blew his head clean off. Fun, but creepy. Not normally trained to shoot at Combine uniformed. Except in special circumstances like this one. Discrimination is not an option.
I (or VIII): They released a new target. I saw him run past, had a different pace to his gait. Should be fun in the future to note differences in running speed. Differences in head explosions are always interesting.
II part II: My inability to destroy the target made me realize that there are several design flaws in how the employers refurbished the island for training. I will exhaustively enumerate these throughout the room.
Not enough explosive barrels. There are no explosive barrels here, and I imagine few are on the island at all. Makes it tough for us to miss.
Too many buildings. Should have been demolished so we can get a clear shot. There are no locks in my nest outside the inner door. I imagine this would be true for the rest of the island.
Too much ammo. They should do a better job of cleaning up the ammo. Each successive game stacks the odds against us. (Third at the time of this writing)
Went to the employer's island after the third target's demise. They need to check the vulnerability of ventilation shafts. Need to clean up the older areas, they pose a security risk.