Monday, April 28, 2008

5 at 5, Part One

plan on adding a new feature to the devblog, where I will essentially force myself to post five images from the development of 5 perhaps biweekly or perhaps not on any schedule whatsoever.

So, to the images!


Unknown said...

Keep up the good work those images look great.
I do have a question though. In one ofthe images there is a lonly power poll standing in the middle of the map with no powerlines that I can see. Are you planning ti give it some friends or just leave it there all on its own?

Stephen Hart said...

There will be lines from that pole to others across the island. Of course I've got to figure out how to get some power structures that will scale down to 1:16 for skybox work, or just interpolate power poles in the current map area with the skybox...

vecima said...

hey, nice work so far!

a few constructive bits:

-i would look for a different wood texture for the outside of the building, it repeats a bit too much

-give those stairs some railings! we don't want folks falling down on the job and claiming workman's comp!

Stephen Hart said...

Thanks very much for the constructive criticism, Vecima! I'll be certain to add those. As for the textures on the outside, I'd imagine some windows would do well for a visual facelift. I'm going to have to start areaportaling the hell out of this map eventually though...

Unknown said...

If you could send me an overview picture (looking down on the map) I could suggest some placments for hints that would help out on the optimisation.